House of Rep. Bill on Health Reform
· The House bill covers 36 million currently uninsured Americans. 2
· Under the House bill, major coverage provisions go into effect in 2013. 3
· The House bill fully closes the prescription drug donut hole for seniors. 4
· The House bill lowers premiums and cost sharing for the middle class through 25 percent more generous affordability credits for the average person going into the Exchange. 5
· The House bill offers a public health insurance option nationwide to promote competition.
· The House bill eliminates the health insurance company anti-trust exemption. 6
· The House bill increases enrollment in private employer-provided coverage by 6 million Americans. 7
· The House and Senate bills take different approaches on paying for reform. The House bill includes a surcharge on income above $500,000 for an individual and $1 million for couples. Payfors in the House bill are strongly supported by the American people–a new AP poll found 57 percent support a surcharge on those earning more than $250,000 per year to help pay for health care. 8
Senate Bill on Health Care Reform
· Senate bill reduces the deficit by $130 billion in the first 10 years, and by about $650 billion in the second 10 years.
· The Senate bill covers 31 million currently uninsured Americans.
· Under the Senate bill, major coverage provisions go into effect in 2014.
· The Senate bill does not fully close the prescription drug donut hole for seniors.
· The Senate bill also contains a public option but allows states to opt-out.
· The Senate bill does not eliminate the health insurance company anti-trust exemption.
· The Senate bill reduces employer-sponsored coverage by 5 million Americans. (These individuals will go into the Exchange because their employers dropped coverage.)
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