In a town hall meeting in North Carolina a woman gained national attention when she asked the question: I have been told I will have to decided how I want to die, is this true? No Euthenasia is no where in the Health Care Reform Bill that is before congress and it won't be. But others like House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Republican Policy Committee Chairman Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mich.) would disagree solely on the fact that in section 1233 of the bill patients are allowed to discuss end-of-life decisions, such as a living-will and hospice treatment with their doctors and having Medicare pay for it.
Another issue is that Americans will have to change their private insurance agencies. This is not true because you will have the option to hold a private insurance the government just believes you will be more willing to go over to theirs. Which is logical seeing that they are going to tax the heck out of the insurance companies which will inevertantly will come down to taxing the people. By doing this it will inhibit those under an insurance agency through a large company from switching to the government or to a private insurance company. It is strange they would want to do that; I guess it is better for tax purposes but also the employer will get taxed if so called employee did that.

Another issue is that Americans will have to change their private insurance agencies. This is not true because you will have the option to hold a private insurance the government just believes you will be more willing to go over to theirs. Which is logical seeing that they are going to tax the heck out of the insurance companies which will inevertantly will come down to taxing the people. By doing this it will inhibit those under an insurance agency through a large company from switching to the government or to a private insurance company. It is strange they would want to do that; I guess it is better for tax purposes but also the employer will get taxed if so called employee did that.

What about abortion? Anti-Abortion politicians are gun-ho that if abortion is mandated to be paid for by tax payers then that is a major deal breaker. In a news report by CBSNEWS:
"the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Thursday adopted an amendment, proposed by Rep. Lois Capps (D-Calif.), that would prohibit taxpayer dollars from funding abortions. The amendment would not allow the federal government to either require or prohibit abortion coverage by private insurers. It requires at least one plan from the federal health insurance exchange in each region of the country to cover abortion, and at least one of the plans to not cover abortion. "
A term all Americans have heard about this bill is "rationing." The people believe that the government will ration health care to sustain money fluctuations. According to Obama: Americans will not face "rationing" in health care any more than they do now. While a public plan would not be able to cover all procedures, private insurance plans do not either. What about those procedures that won't be covered? How will those people who clearly need the procedure get them if they have to take the the time to put in the request paperwork. I think this is one myth that needs more explaining, and from the other sites I have visted there really isn't much more out there talking about what will and will not be covered. This is tough seeing that alot of people can not get life saving procedures as it is but how can we change that in the future.
The problem with all of this is the fact that people are ill informed about this topic. Obama had promised in his campaign to have all health care talks on live television so everyone can see and hear him first hand. Once more when people are informed they have a better understanding off what will affects us and our future. Both sides are represented here. I hope that this blog was some aid to help you formulate an opinion on how your health will be dictated.
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